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I try to update the page with every trade and list all new cards when they become available. Every card is up for trade for my wants or for sell.

  INSERTS LISTED BY DRIVER Updated Inserts to Trade By Driver

Kevin Harvick-
01 optima g force 7
01 stealth profile 2
01 trackside d/c 5,53
01 vip makin the show 15

Casey Atwood-
99 vip xplosive 28
00 mvp nascar stars 10
00 mvp silver scripts 40 & 79
00 optima platinum 28
00 trackside generation now 3
panorama 21
diecut 39
00 ud victory circle income statement 10
01 high gear 1st gear 44
01 trackside diecut 31

Jeff Gordon-
97 pp premium promo 1/3
98 press pass retro 101
99 vip xplosive 42
99 wheels runn & gunnin 9
00 maxx drive time 2
00 mvp silver script 65
nascar stars 2
cup quest 9
00 trackside diecut 30
00 ud racing record pace 5
speeding ticket 1
00 optima g force 7
00 sp drivers seat 6
00 vip xplosive 26, 34
lap leader 1
head gear explosive 1
makin the show 7
01 optima gold 42
on the edge 2
g force 5
01 stealth lap leader d/c 28
golds 57,58
01 trackside diecut 2,48
runnin & gunnin 6
dialed in 4
01 vip xplosives12
makin the show 12

Ward Burton
96 maxx blue ribbon 9
99 vip xplosive 5
00 maxx drive time 3
00 mvp cup quest 4
00 pp premium foil 12
00 trackside panorama 11
00 stealth fusion 31,32,33
profile 2
00 optima overdrive diecut 11
00 vip xplosive 22
makin the show 22
01 high gear gearshifter 9
1st gears 9,46
01 optima gold 3,25
g force 2
lap leader d/c 27
01 press pass vintage 10
01 vip makin the show 11

Mike Skinner
98 maxx maxximum preview #20
99 maxx racing images #17
99 maxx race ticket
99 pp retro #124
99 pp stealth fusion #f28
99 stealth octane reg #o19
99 wheels run & gun #rg7
00 ud mvp silver script #82
00 pp techno retro #tr23
00 pp trackside diecut base #9
00 pp vip under the lights xplosive #ul8
00 vip lap leader 8
00 vip makin the show 14
00 ud sp drivers seat #10
00 pp premium diecut 60
01 high gear 1st gear #10
01 HG gearshifters #11
01 press pass vintage #12
01 optima cool persistence 11
g force 23
01 stealth lap leader acetate 13
01 vip makin the show 16

Rusty Wallace
94 traks valvoline #97
96 pinnacle bronze #37
98 maxx maxximum preview #2
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #2
99 pp stealth headlines #sh5
99 pp vip explosive #26
99 pp vip explosive #49
00 ud victory circle income statement #is8
00 ud racing thunder road #tr2
00 pp vip explosive #x44
00 pp vip making the show #ms17 (2)
00 pp trackside diecut base #19
00 pp trackside runnin & gunnin #rg3
00 pp premium diecut #50
00 maxx drive time #dt8
00 optima g-force #25
00 vip makin the show 17
00 vip lap leader 6
00 vip head gear 2
00 vip under the lights explosive 6
01 high gear 1st gears #6,32,52 & 58
01 optima gold 49
01 optima on the edge 9
01 optima g force 26
01 stealth gold 4
01 stealth lap leader diecut 2,20
01 press pass vintage #7
01 trackside dialed in 2
diecuts 29
runnin & gunnin 3
01 vip xplosive 30
makin the show 2

Jeff Burton
96 pp scorchers #5
99 pp premium burning desire 4b
99 pp vip lap leader #9
99 vip explosive #x4
99 vip explosive #x40
00 maxx drive time #dt4
00 maxx focus on a champion #fc4
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq6
00 mvp silver script #64
00 mvp nascar stars #ns4
00 pp techno retro #tr3
00 high gear man #m7a
00 ud racing record pace #rp1
00 ud high groove #hg1
00 ud vc victory circle #v4
00 pp vip making the show #ms6
00 vip explosive #x21
00 vip explosive #30
00 vip explosive #x6
00 vip lap leader #ll
00 pp optima parrallel #40
00 ud sp drivers seat #5
01 high gear 1st gear #60 & 67
01 HG gearshifters #4
01 HG sunday sensations #9
01 HG top tier #3
01 HG hot streaks #9
01 optima cool persistence 1
01 press pass vintage #3
01 PP velocity #7
01 pp premium in the zone 1
01 stealth gold 43
01 stealth lap leader 18
01 vip xplosive 34
01 vip makin the show 24

Mark martin
96 Assets racing 2.00 phone card 9
96 classic silver 30
98 maximum preview 6
99 wheels runnin & gunnin 1
00 maxx speedway boogie 7
00 maxx drive time 6
00 maximum dialed in 6
00 pp premium reflector #31
00 pp trackside diecut base #20
00 trackside diecut base #32
00 trackside dialed in #di3
00 ud racing record pace #rp4
00 ud racing thunder road #tr3
00 pp vip making the show #ms12
00 pp vip explosive #x35
00 pp vip under the lights #ul7
00 vip lap leader explosive 7
00 optima parallel #44
00 optima encore #3
00 optima g-force #16
00 ud sp drivers seat #3
01 high gear 1st gear 8 & 49
01 HG gearshifters #8
01 HG hot streaks #4
01 optima gold 14,45
01 optima g force 13
01 optima up close 5
01 press pass velocity #6
01 stealth gold 12
01 stealth profile 1
01 trackside diecuts 23
01 trackside runnin & gunnin 4

Matt Kenseth
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg23
99 pp vip explosive #x33
00 maxx speedway boogie #sb2
00 maxx drive time #dt9
00 maxximum cruise control #cc6 (2)
00 ud racing record pace #rp8
00 ud racing high groove #3
00 pp trackside make the show #ms13
00 optima parallel #10
00 optima parallel #46
00 optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gears #11,29,55 & 59
01 HG hot streaks #7
01 HG gearshifters #12
01 optima gold 10
g force 9
01 PP vintage #13
01 PP millennium #59
01 pp premium in the zone 7
01 trackside diecuts 22,45
01 vip makin the show 8

Bill Elliott
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #15
95 wheels crown jewels ruby edition #65
96 maxx blue ribbon #br3
98 maxx maxximum preview #19
00 maxximum cruise control #cc4 (2)

Jeremy Mayfield
99 pp retro #106
99 ud sp drivers seat #ds2
99 pp vip explosive #17
99 pp vip explosive #47
00 ud mvp silver script #66
00 pp techno retro #tr17
00 pp trackside diecut #21
00 pp vip lap leader #l2
00 pp vip lap leader explosive #12
00 pp vip explosive #x10
00 pp optima parrallel #17
00 pp optima g-force
01 high gear 1st gear #24
01 HG gearshifters #25
01 optima g force 14
01 press pass vintage #22
01 vip makin the show 6

Ricky Rudd
96 finish line black gold #d10
96 maxx blue ribbon #br10
98 maxx maxximum preview #10
98 pp prem mirrors #44
98 pp stealth fusion #28
98 pp stealth fusion #29
99 pp vip explosive #x20
99 wheels runnin 7 gunnin #rg16
00 high gear gearshifters 27
00 maxx drive time #dt10
00 pp premium reflector #38
00 pp trackside panorama #14
00 pp trackside diecut #24
00 pp vip making the show #ms15
00 pp vip explosive #x7
00 ud racing thunder road #tr4
00 pp optima g-force #20
01 high gear 1st gears #7 & 30
01 HG gearshifters #7
01 optima gold 20,47
optima g force 20
01 stealth gold 31,32
stealth lap leader d/c 11,29
01 trackside run & gun 1
01 vip xplosive 7,28
vip makin the show 14

Dale Jarrett
98 PP actionvision #11
98 maxx maximum preview #11
99 PP prem #30
99 PP Premium burning desire 5b
99 PP Stealth octane reg #35
99 pp stealth fusion #f52
99 pp stealth headlines #sh8 (3)
99 PP VIP out of the box #ob8
99 vip rear view mirror d/c #rm2
99 vip explosive #x12 (2)
99 vip explosive #x43
99 Wheels runnin & gunnin #rg5
00 Maxximum dialed in #di1
00 Maxx focus on a champion #fc1
00 maxx drive time #dt5
00 UD MVP nascar stars #ns5 (3)
00 pp techno retro #tr11
00 PP Premium diecut #46 (2)
00 pp premium reflector #25
00 PP Trackside runn& gunnin #rg 8 (2)
00 UD Racing record pace #rp7 (2)
00 UD VC victory circle #6
00 PP VIP under the lights #ul2
00 vip xplosive 8
01 high gear 1st gear #31
01 HG hot streaks #5
01 HG sunday sensations #1
01 optima gold 44
optima g force 8
01 stealth gold 41,42,69
stealth fusion 3
stealth lap leader 17,35
01 trackside diecut 49
dialed in 11
01 vip makin the show 23

Bobby Labonte
96 maxx blue ribbon #br7
95 crown jewels ruby edit. #42
95 crown jewels ruby edit #37(makar)
98 maxximum preview #18
99 pp stealth fusion #f18(2)
fusion #f17
fusion #h16
octane reg #o12
big numbers reg #bn11
99 pp vip explosive #x13 (3)
explosive #x44
99 wheels high groove #hg1
runnin & gunnin #rg8
00 Maxximum pure adrenaline 3
cruise control #cc2
dialed in #d4
00 maxx drive time #dt7 (4)
00 ud mvp cup quest #cq8
nascar stars #ns7 (2)
00 pp premium in the zone #iz2
00 pp retro techno #12
00 pp trackside dialed in d/c #di2
diecut base #33
00 ud racing record pace #rp2 (4)
00 pp vip making the show #ms1
explosive #x1 (2)
lap leader #ll3
00 pp optima g-force #11
00 ud sp- drivers seat #2
01 High gear 1st gears- 1,48,57,62
gear shifters #1 & 27
hot streaks #2
sunday sensations #7
01 pp vintage #1
01 optima gold 50
optima g force 10
01 stealth fusion 4
stealth lap leader 7,25
01 trackside diecuts 13
trackside run & gun 9
01 vip makin the show 9

Tony Stewart
99 wheels runnin & gunnin #rg18
99 PP Premium burning desire 6b
00 maxx drive time #dt1
00 pp techno retro #24
00 pp trackside diecut #14 (3)
00 ud racing thunder road #tr6
00 ud record pace #rp9 (2)
00 ud speeding ticket #4
00 ud high groove #4
00 press pass showcar 17
00 pp vip lap leader #ll2
00 pp vip explosive #x36
00 optima g-force
00 optima parrallel #24
00 vip xplosive 27,36
vip makin the show 21
01 optima gold 48
optima g force 25
01 PP vintage #27
01 stealth gold 23,70
stealth profile 3
stealth lap leader d/c 8
01 trackside diecuts 15
runnin & gunnin 7
01 vip xplosive 48
makin the show 10

Steve Park
99 pp vip explosive #x19
00 pp techno retro #tr19
00 pp premium reflector #1
00 pp trackside panorama #p1
00 optima g-force
01 high gear gearshifters #19
01 high gear 1st gear #54
01 optima gold 17,46
01 pp vintage #11
01 stealth gold 2,3
lap leader acetate 1
lap leader d/c 1,19
01 trackside diecut 9,39
dialed in 1
01 vip xplosive 20
makin the show 1

95 high gear #8 day 1
95 high gear #77 day 1
95 traks #61 1st run
95 traks #41 1st run
95 ud electric #162
95 ud electric #231
96 Pinnacle precision silver metal card #57
96 ud predictor 5
96 ud collectors choice triple force #1 of 3-d
96 ud game face #gf5
96 fleer ultra winner #14
96 fleer ultra inside out #dc3
97 jurassic park raptors #r1
97 pp prem mirror #1
97 pp prem mirror #30
97 pp prem lap leader #ll7
97 pp vip explosive #14
97 pp actionvision #1
99 pp prem #45
99 pp stealth octane reg #11
99 pp stealth headlines #sh9
99 pp vip explosive #x14
00 high gear winning edge 8
00 maxximim dialed in #d5
00 ud mvp nascar stars #ns8 (2)
00 pp techno retro #tr13
00 pp premium diecut #48
00 pp vip head gear #hg5 reg(holo)
00 optima parallel #12
00 vip xplosive 9
01 optima gold 12
g force 11
cool persistence 8
01 stealth fusion 5
lap leader acetate 3
lap leader d/c 21
01 trackside d/c 6,41
run & gun 5
dialed in 5
01 vip xplosive 9
makin the show 3